Balcony Radio | Streaming Radio | Music Podcasts

High Tea w/ The Beatles Ep 14 – The White Album Demos etal.

By Balcony Radio | April 1, 2019

1968 was interesting time in Beatlemania. After breaking popular culture with Sgt. Pepper, they had to do something . . . So, they chose to […]

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Balcony Radio | Streaming Radio | Music Podcasts

Have The Rolling Stones Killed Ep 14 – Stones in the 80s

By Balcony Radio | March 3, 2019

A lot of things happened in the 80s. Pants got tighter. Hair got sturdier. The music got synth-ier. Unfortunately, all of these things happened to […]

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Balcony Radio | Streaming Radio | Music Podcasts

Gimme Back My Song Ep 14 – Pop Favorites

By Balcony Radio | February 11, 2019

Once you write a song, it doesn’t belong to you anymore. The Universe takes ownership. Sorry. On the bright side, The Universe lends songs out […]

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Balcony Radio | Streaming Radio | Music Podcasts

From The Board Ep 14 – “Live” in the 90s

By Balcony Radio | January 22, 2019

You bought the ticket. You paid for the surcharge. But then you remembered that it’s better to stay home. In Episode 14 of From the […]

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Balcony Radio | Streaming Radio | Music Podcasts

Found Gems Ep 14

By Balcony Radio | January 15, 2019

Every star has hits, but they also miss. A lot. You have to fill the album out–and you’re not going to write a dozen bangers, […]

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Balcony Radio | Streaming Radio | Music Podcasts

Embryonic Ep 14

By Balcony Radio | January 7, 2019

It’s time to go back to before the egg. When a great idea is just a spark in the back of someone’s mind. We can’t […]

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Songs From The Yard Ep 14
Posted on 2019/05/26 by Balcony Radio

Time to get on the train skaville, the real emerald isle — Jamaica. In episode 14 of Songs From the Yard, we spin twenty-two of the haziest jams the island could roll up and smoke. The soundtrack to the perfect afternoon of de-stressification has been located. Get comfortable. Stay hydrated.